LGBTQ+ Therapy Resources in Sacramento:
Health & Wellness
One Community Health: onecommunityhealth.com
Gender Health Center: thegenderhealthcenter.org
Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: glma.org
Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center: saccenter.org
Sunburst Projects (HIV/AIDS support): sunburstprojects.org
Supporting Community Connections (ages 12-25): crhkids.org
Equality California: eqca.org
Stonewall Democratic Club: sacstonewall.org
Substance Use Recovery
Addiction Resources: addictionresource.com/addiction/lgbtq-community
Gay and Sober: gayandsober.org/meeting-finder-sacramento
Golden Rule Services: goldenruleservicesacramento.org
Parents, Families, Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG): pflagsacramento.org
Sutter Gender Identity Support: sacgender.org
Trans Queer Youth Collective: tqyc.org
WEAVE: weaveinc.org/lgbtq
Wind Youth Services: windyouth.org