Our therapists regularly serve as guest experts for podcasts and publications dedicated to mental health:
Isaac Smith, MAT, LCSW, FNTP
Executive Director | Psychotherapist
University of California Riverside | School of Medicine Center for Healthy Communities →
Helping young adults in recovery from alcohol and other drug problems face challenges in maintaining sobriety, especially those in the abstinence-hostile environments of college campuses.
Something Was Wrong is an Iris Award-Winning immersive storytelling docuseries podcast about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from emotionally (and otherwise) abusive relationships.
Isaac is interviewed as a guest expert to provide insights on the grieving process during an end-of-life hospice situation.
Isaac joins a discussion panel as a guest expert sharing insights about trauma recovery.
Isaac in interviewed about the lingering effects of childhood neglect well into adulthood.
Isaac is a contributing mental health expert in the 2021 Ultimate Guide to Sleep
Mindfulness as Key to the Personal Therapy Revolution
Paul is a contributing mental health expert in the Tips for Seasonal Depression