Drugs and alcohol can help us escape the pain we’re too overwhelmed to deal with.
Substances can make us like the way we feel when we use them. Plus, they can efficiently dull the daily grind or numb us through the serrated edges of relationships that feel too complicated to untangle.

For some of us, when we first start experimenting with drugs and alcohol, a light bulb turns on.
We may feel like we've finally found something we didn't know we were looking for our whole lives—the thing that is going to finally make us feel OK and help us get through almost anything.
Hard day at work? Have a few (or six) glasses of wine.
Got in a fight with your partner? Get stoned.
Feeling sad, happy, angry, tired, whatever? Pop some pills.
Plain and simple: drugs and alcohol work—at least until they don't—which is why so many of us use them in the first place, and also why it’s so hard to stop once addiction sets in.
How do I know if I or someone I love is suffering from an addiction?

If you landed on this page, chances are you've got a hunch that you or someone close to you might have a problem with either drugs or alcohol or both.
However, if you aren't sure, see if any of the following statements ring true for you:
You find yourself using drugs or alcohol for longer than you intended. Maybe, you find yourself using more than you did when you first started experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol.
You've tried to quit or cut down in the past, but haven’t been able to stop. Or, perhaps you were successful for awhile, but ended up using again.
You have such strong cravings or urges that you find it hard to concentrate on anything else.
You stopped doing things you use to love doing.
You've encountered problems in your work or relationships because of your drinking or drug use.
You've had friends or family make comments to you about your drinking or drug use.
You find yourself needing more alcohol or drugs than you used to in order to get the same buzz or high.
You feel worse when you’re not taking drugs or alcohol.
If any of the above hits home, it's highly likely that you are suffering from an addiction.
"What if I'm not sure I want to get sober?"
We get this question a lot. Maybe as you've been reading this you're realizing you're not even sure you want to stop using drugs or alcohol—you just know that your current way of using is not working. Because there is no "gold standard" when it comes to addiction treatment, our focus will be on starting where you're at.
We will never try to make you into something or someone you don't want to be—whether your goal is sobriety or not.
The danger of one-size-fits-all approaches.
The reality is that what works for one person is not guaranteed to work for another, which is why we aren't in favor one-size-fits-all approaches, especially as they relate to addiction treatment. While certain methods can be helpful for some, they can be the exact opposite for others and actually do more harm than good.
How? Well, when people are sold that a particular group or treatment method will help them finally end what is often a long battle ripe with suffering, if it doesn’t work (or simply doesn’t “click” with someone) a person may be left feeling like nothing will work for them, which, understandably, can make them feel like giving up for good.
Important things to remember when it comes to seeking addiction treatment:
Everyone is unique. While one-size-fits all approaches work for some, they don’t work for everyone.
Do what works for you. Explore what's out there and tailor it to fit your needs.
Be honest with yourself.
If your gut tells you that addiction counseling can help, look for someone you can trust and don't settle for anything less.

Reaching out when you're struggling isn't easy, but we think it says a lot about you.
We get it: reaching out for help when you're going through something is anxiety provoking. It takes a whole lot of courage and personal resolve.
This is something we deeply admire in the many people who have trusted us with helping them sort things out. Yes, it's often a tough road, but we believe the rewards are worth it:
Feeling free again and back in control.
You are more than your struggle with addiction.
Remember: your struggle with addiction is not the most important thing about what makes you, you. Counseling at Whole Wellness Therapy focuses on helping you find yourself again—to get reconnected with the most important aspects of who you really are.
If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction—or maybe you're not sure, but you want to explore your relationship with substances in greater depth—you don't have to go it alone.